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Susan Shining-Star

Susan Shining-Star

Flock of Quackers

Backyard Homestead Adventures

Susan Shining-Star

Susan Shining-Star

© 2023 - 2024 Susan Shining-Star

All Rights Reserved.

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Nominated for a 2024 Green Earth Book Award for young readers ages 9 to 12

Welcome to Sunny Stella's "Backyard Homestead Adventures."

I'm Sunny Stella, your guide on this exciting journey of stand-alone adventures. Together, we will:

  • venture into the magical Whispering Woods,
  • explore the secrets of the enchanted gardens,
  • join in on quests that uncover the amazing connections in nature,
  • discover the art of living in harmony with our planet,
  • meet the animals on the homestead,
  • and embrace the magic found in the Creator's divine masterpiece.

Are you ready for a "Backyard Homestead Adventure?"

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"Backyard Homestead Adventures Companion Workbook."

Observation skills, appreciation of nature, creativity, critical thinking, and more, ​are encouraged through a variety of adventure-related activities and discussions.



Disabled, Retired Senior Citizen Defies Odds to Launch Delightful ​Children's Book Series and Animated YouTube Videos

From lightning strike to literary heights: An inspiring odyssey into ​children's literature and aspiring animation.

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My Books

My Books

Editorial Reviews -

Book 1 of the Sunny Stella Series:

”It is a very educational book for children in the elementary school/middle school level.” ​– Sandra Carrera, retired Special Education Teacher

"I'd love to see this in every school library and children's section of book shops." - Dai ​Sedella Lockwood, author of The Way of the Soul Catcher.

Top Reviews

Backyard Homestead Adventures

“EDUCATIONAL AND VERY FUN TO READ: What an adorable adventure! As a fully grown adult without a child in ​sight, I enjoyed every bit of this story. Told through Sunny Stella's point of view, she and her friends take us on ​several entertainingly fun and educational adventures in her very own backyard. I like to think I'm fairly ​environmentally savvy, yet I even learned a few new things. Full of wonderful advice, I will be recommending ​this to not only my parent friends, but anyone who is looking for a cute, short read. 10/10” ~ via E. Urriola

“WONDERFUL BOOK: A wonderful book full of magic, adventures, and nature. A great way to remember how to ​connect with nature if you are older or a sweet way to introduce being with nature to novice adventurers. This ​so much reminds me of the Waldorf school years with my kids.”~ via Mel G.

“ADVENTURE: Sunny Stella's backyard is fun and filled with adventures and friendship. Stella makes learning ​fun. “~ via K. Martin

“SUNNY STELLA’S BACKYARD ADVENTURES REVIEW: This book is a fictional story written for students ages 9 ​to 12 years of age. The story is about a young lady, Sunny Stella, who goes on different adventures with her ​friends. Each adventure introduces the reader to nature while venturing into the “whispering woods”. Each ​adventure also gives you a snapshot view into the whispering woods; bugs, gardens, leaves, as well as other ​adventures and the benefits of each one. The book introduces a different perspective on “nature” or “the ​creator” and “inclusion”. I feel the young reader would enjoy reading the adventures of Sunny Stella. !” via ​Sandra Carrera

Homestead Update!

April 5, 2024

After being sick for the past 2 weeks and after much prayer and reflection, I have decided that it is in both ​my and my rabbit's best interest to give them an opportunity to have more consistent human interaction ​than what I have been able to give them lately. Although I will miss them, they deserve much more than ​what I can give them at this time of my life. Although my ducks, quail, and plants all need attention, they do ​not need any where as much hands-on attention as the rabbits do. I know that I made the right decision ​though. The ducks, quail, plants are enough for me at this time in my life. Although they too, all, all need ​attention, they do not need any where as much hands-on attention as the rabbits do.

Although I will miss them, I am happy that safe, loving homes have been found. The does/females will be ​going to a couple of 4H kids, and a friend who has loved my buck/male since she first laid eyes upon him, is ​anxiously awaiting being able to add him to her menagerie.

Homestead Update!

December 5, 2023

I am thrilled to share that I'm continuing to make strides towards transforming my backyard into a haven ​for both people and wildlife - a Backyard Oasis Homestead!

The first milestone I achieved was three years ago when my property was certified as a Wildlife Habitat, a ​testament to my commitment to nurturing and preserving the natural world around me.

Two years ago, I completed the Heroes to Hives Beekeeping certificate program, and this year, I ​successfully wrapped up the Regenerative International Regenerative Agriculture certificate program. ​Both programs added valuable knowledge and skills to my repertoire.

Adding to the buzz, I'm proud to announce that I am now a Certified Pollinator Steward! Through dedicated ​coursework and the creation of a vibrant pollinator garden, I recently received my certification. ​Yesterday, my Certified Pollinator Steward pin arrived, marking another achievement in my journey to ​transform a barren piece of desert dirt into a Backyard Oasis Homestead.

I am grateful for all of the support and enthusiasm I continue to receive on this journey! Stay tuned for ​more updates as I cultivate my yard into a haven for nature and a source of inspiration for all.

Homestead Update!

August 9, 2023

Shortly after I bought this property (4.5 years ago), God revealed to me that I needed to create an “Oasis in ​the Desert.” I had no idea how this oasis was going to happen.

Creating an oasis in the desert can have various interpretations, both literal and symbolic. It can involve ​transforming arid land into a flourishing and sustainable ecosystem, providing a haven for wildlife and ​plants, and/or offering a peaceful retreat for humans.

About a year or so ago, I noticed that a small area in my backyard was damp. As time passed, the damp ​area turned into a wet area;. complete with standing water.

To determine the exact cause of the wet area, I consulted with a landscaper, a master plumber, the water ​department manager, and a geologist. Given that my water bill, water pressure, and sewer bill had not ​changed, it was clear to all that the water was not directly connected to my municipal water supply. After ​assessing the situation, the general consensus was that the source of the water was likely external to my ​property; such as an underground natural spring or natural water source beneath my property that is ​causing the water to rise to the surface.

Fast forward to the present, where I sit marveling at God's handiwork. The aforementioned "Oasis in the ​Desert" is well underway; cattails and other wetland plants are now growing in my backyard. Thus far this ​year, I have experienced a variety of living entities enjoying my little backyard oasis: i.e., dragonflies, ​lizards, horny toads, a centipede, earthworms, a variety of birds, including roadrunners and ​hummingbirds, wild rabbits, as well as at least 5 different types of butterflies, and 6 different types of ​bees. If the water in my yard was hot, I would invest in a pump. It's pretty amazing that I have cattails ​growing though.

Sunny Stella Bookmarks

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About the Author

About the Author

With a background deeply rooted in spirituality, ​Susan, known by many as "Shining-Star," spent ​years embracing a lifestyle like her ancestors. ​However, a life-altering injury forced her to move ​into a city far removed from the simplicity she ​once cherished. Now, after more than 20 years, ​she has evolved into a modern-day homesteader.

Follow her Facebook page, "Backyard Oasis Homestead Living," for a glimpse into her ​projects, writing, and life with her special companions - ducks, quail, and a service dog.

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